
Important Ruling by the Federal Administrative Court: Prayer Vigils Outside Abortion Clinics Are Legal - ZENIT - English

Important Ruling by the Federal Administrative Court: Prayer Vigils Outside Abortion Clinics Are Legal - ZENIT - English : The verdict has been met with relief and gratitude by pro-life groups. Pavica Vojnović, leader of the "40 Days for Life" prayer group in Pforzheim, expressed her satisfaction and highlighted the importance of protecting every human life.

Pope Francis Explains the Importance of Rereading Our History Together with Jesus - ZENIT - English

Pope Francis Explains the Importance of Rereading Our History Together with Jesus - ZENIT - English : Address on the occasion of the Regina Coeli prayer on Sunday, April 23, 2023.

Belloc shows the Reformation's evil results in the economic sphere, through the dissolving of Catholic restraints on usury and on unbridled competition

  The line of cleavage throughout the world lies between what is with, and what is against, The Faith. Hilarie Belloc says our choices are a return to Catholicism or chaos and "the crisis ... does not permit of indefinite delay." He shows in his work's that ever since the disaster of the Protestant Reformation, our civilization has been coming apart.  Catholicism built the Western World - from Roman times through the Dark Ages to the High Middle Ages - but the false doctrine and social philosophy of Protestantism, based on Calvin, is causing a steady and continuing breakdown of that world.  Belloc shows the Reformation's evil results in the economic sphere, through the dissolving of Catholic restraints on usury and on unbridled competition. He states that "Calvin opened the door to the domination of the mind by money."  Belloc concludes that the return of Catholicism is the only remedy for our crumbling world, because our basic principles of civilization are...

Charities protest at government plan to further criminalise homelessness Apr 21st, 2023

  Charities protest at government plan to further criminalise homelessness Apr 21st, 2023 ource: Westminster J&P, Caritas Homeless campaigners have expressed concern at the government's proposal to replace the archaic Vagrancy Act, with legislation that could punish homeless people even more. Under the 1824 Vagrancy Act, it is a crime to sleep in a doorway or beg. Currently anyone convicted under the law faces a fine of up to £1,000 and a two-year criminal record. People who can't afford to pay fines are often sent to prison. Although the government pledged to scrap the Act in 2021, since then more than 1,000 homeless people have been arrested for sleeping rough or begging. On 26 March this year, the government unveiled their new 'anti social behaviour plan' - but rather than offer support to homeless people - it consists of a raft of proposals to replace the Vagrancy Act with new powers for local authorities and the poli...

Pope Francis Canonized Almost 1000 Saints During His Papacy - Here's Some of Them -

Pope Francis Canonized Almost 1000 Saints During His Papacy - Here's Some of Them - : As we celebrate Pope Francis' 10th anniversary, let us contemplate his legacy by remembering the saints he canonized.

The Numeric State of the Catholic Church Up to 2023  - ZENIT - English

The Numeric State of the Catholic Church Up to 2023  - ZENIT - English : Vatican published its most recent data on the numeric state of the Church. (ZENIT News / Rome, 06.03.2023).- The <2022> Pontifical Yearbook and the 2021  Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae , edited by the Central Office of Ecclesiastical Statistics, and published by the  Libreria Editrice Vaticana,  are already in bookstores.  The Pontifical Yearbook offers information on the life of the Catholic Church in the world, from December1, 2021 to November 30, 2022.  During this period, four Bishoprics were erected (three Dioceses and one Eparchy); two dioceses were united; a territorial Prelature was raised to a diocese; and a diocese became and Apostolic Exarchate. The  Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae  provides data on the principal dynamics that characterize pastoral action in the Catholic Church in the 3,030 ecclesiastical circumscriptions of the world.  Following are so...

My Year in a Carmelite Monastery: 5 Beautiful Lessons Laypeople Can Apply to Daily Life -

My Year in a Carmelite Monastery: 5 Beautiful Lessons Laypeople Can Apply to Daily Life - : Cecilia Allen shares her experience as Carmelite monastery postulant. She hopes to carry Carmel’s beauty and spirituality into daily life.