Why Religious Liberty Matters: All politics, and culture, is a contest of elites. The question is, which elite will dominate the halls of politics and culture?
The Final assault began after midnight, into the 29th of May 1453 . Wave after wave the attackers charged. Battle cries rang out, the sound of drums, trumpets and fifes, filled the air. The bells of the city churches began ringing frantically. Orders, screams and the sound of trumpets shattered the night. First came the irregulars, an unreliable, multinational crowd of Christians and Moslems, who were attracted by the opportunity of enriching themselves by looting the great city, the last capital of the Roman Empire. They attacked throughout the line of fortifications and they were massacred by the tough professionals, who were fighting under the orders of Giustiniani. The battle lasted two hours and the irregulars withdrew in disorder, leaving behind an unknown number of dead and wounded. Next came the Anatolian troops of Ishak Pasha . They tried to storm the stockades and they fought tenaciously, even desperately trying to break through the compact ranks...
Adultery and fornication: Why are states rushing to get these outdated laws off the books? https://www.salon.com/2019/05/06/adultery-and-fornication-why-are-states-rushing-to-get-these-outdated-laws-off-the-books/ In true Marie Kondo fashion, a few states are starting to “tidy up” their criminal code by removing crimes from the statute books that no longer “spark joy.” More specifically, Utah, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Virginia have all proposed legislation to remove the crime of adultery and (where applicable) fornication from their statute books. Utah’s law was just signed by the governor , and Massachusetts , Minnesota and Virginia all have laws at various levels of committee purgatory. Massachusetts and Minnesota’s laws look like they have a fighting chance at least. Arizona and South Carolina are also attempting to amend their laws, but the basics of the crime will remain intact. S...
Post-Sanity America : By H.W. Crocker III - What do you do when you live in a culture where, to an alarming degree, the institutions are run by lunatics? Toward the end of his life, I got to know William Peter Blatty , author of The Exorcist . He was a faithful Catholic, but very skeptical—or realistic—about man’s openness to revelation. He once wrote that if God were to suddenly appear atop the Chrysler Building at the stroke of noon amid thunder and lightning after darkening the sun and then causing it to slash the incredulous sky with fiery figure eights and Immelmanns by way of showing its “Creator I.D.” before demanding we be kind to one another “or else,” for a time most who witnessed this would instantly “believe,” though soon enough they would doubt their own senses, citing “mass hallucination” or perhaps “wishful thinking on a stupefying scale,”…. Jesus, addressing the Pharisees, was similarly realistic in His parable of the rich man and Lazarus, saying that “...
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