Fifty States or Just Two States

Images The Sack of Rome 

Fifty States or Just Two States

Fifty civilized states or two uncivilized and  barbaric states. 

We are all born of woman into the world and as such we are naturally pagan and barbaric. We are born into the Kingdom of God and as such we are meant to bring heaven onto earth 

Related American Demographics

Children who attend religious services at least weekly are more likely to have positive social development than those who never attend religious services.7) According to the Adolescent Health Survey (Wave I), adolescents who worship at least weekly are less likely to be repeat shoplifters than those who worship less frequently. See Chart Below)

The 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth showed that 15 percent of those who attended religious services at least once per week committed assault, compared to 17 percent of those who attended more than once a month, 21 percent of those who attended less than monthly, and 22 percent of those who never attended.10) (See Chart Below)

Correspondingly, those who frequently attend religious services are less likely to be arrested. According to the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, only 5 percent of youths who currently attend weekly religious services have ever been arrested, followed by those who attend one to three times a month (7 percent), those who attend less than once a month (10 percent), and those who never attend church (11 percent).11) (See Chart Below)


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